In order to repel birds that pose a risk to air safety, Schiphol airport (Amsterdam) has decided to use pigs. The experiment was quite successful and could be tested on a larger scale.

This airport is surrounded by agricultural land and is therefore sometimes invaded by geese. A population that interferes with aircraft. To curb the problem, the authorities have placed about twenty pigs on the airport’s farmland, with the aim of chasing the geese away. The pigs are fed with sugar beet crop residues, all on two hectares. The result is that the geese, which are very fond of this plant debris, are chased away by the pigs, which fiercely defend their food.
A natural method with conclusive results

More than 150 bird strikes with aircraft have been recorded at Schiphol, yet since the pigs were introduced there have been no incidents. The pigs have plenty of space, a pigsty and do not seem to be disturbed or frightened. In addition to the pigs, a sound system has been added to keep the birds away, as the only constraint is to contain the animals between the tracks, so that they do not become a risk themselves!
#ecology, #pigs, #Amsterdam, #SchipholAirport,