The 4th edition of the international car-free day took place in Rabat on 3 October, with the aim of measuring the impact of climate change.

The experience is not new, these car-free days were already tried out during the Suez Canal crisis in 1956. But it is the Association “Jeune du 21e siècle” which is behind this initiative; the inhabitants are invited to do without any motor vehicle for one day, of course electric cars, bicycles and emergency vehicles are not concerned. In concrete terms: no cars were to be driven in the city from 9am to 6pm! The objective of this “Rabat, without my car” day is to raise awareness among citizens about the use of more responsible vehicles. The president of the association and initiator of this event, Aziz El Fekkaki, wanted to demonstrate that it is necessary to organise car travel in order to limit the impact on the environment as well as on human beings.
The benefits of this initiative are numerous

This initiative is in line with Morocco’s policy, which is very committed to nature and the environment. It is also intended to be educational, inviting people to understand the air pollution that causes deaths, how vehicles contribute to it and why this day is so important. It also provides an opportunity to rethink travel, to opt for a more environmentally friendly and economical means of transport, as well as exercise and a breath of fresh air.